by Ted Farry | Jan 11, 2019 | single family rental property
Vacancy Expense Vacancy Expense is the amount of rent lost from a single family rental investment property or other type of property going without a tenant occupying the property. Full Glossary If after learning a bit more about Vacancy you are curious to see how your...
by Ted Farry | Jan 11, 2019 | single family rental property
Trustee A Trustee is an individual or institution appointed to administer a trust for its beneficiaries. Full Glossary If after learning a bit more about Trustee you are curious to see how your current Investment Portfolio would benefit from performing a 1031, then I...
by Ted Farry | Jan 11, 2019 | single family rental property
Trust A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which one party, known as a trustor, gives another party, the trustee, the right to hold title to single family rental investment property or other types of assets for the benefit of a third party, the beneficiary. Trusts...
by Ted Farry | Jan 11, 2019 | single family rental property
Title Report and Title Insurance The written analysis of the status of title to single family rental investment property or other type of real property, including a property description, names of titleholders and how title is held (joint tenancy, etc.), tax rate,...
by Ted Farry | Jan 11, 2019 | single family rental property
Title Holder The Title Holder is the entity that holds (name on) title to single family rental investment property or other type of property. In an Internal Revenue Code Section 1031 Exchange, the titleholder of the relinquished property must generally be the same as...