Who is a Conatus Real Estate Customer?
Who is a Conatus Real Estate Customer? Conatus Real Estate is a Single Family Rental Investment Platform. We help California real estate owners with large gains to monetize the equity in their property without paying capital gains taxes. Many times we are able to help our customers achieve 2 to 3 times their current income. In this video, we highlight the various customer segments where Conatus Real Estate builds value. If you are interested in Single Family Rental, its likely we can provide you with beneficial services. Further, the video highlights specifics of how California Real Estate owners can achieve 2 to 3 times current income in a tax efficient manner by working with Conatus.
If after learning a bit more about SFR Investing you are curious to see how your current Investment Portfolio would benefit from performing a 1031, then I recommend signing up to receive a FREE 1031 Sizing from Conatus.
This sizing gives you info about the value of replacement properties you need to purchase and the amount of related debt on this purchase to fully defer your capital gains associated tax liability.
As an added benefit you will receive a comparison of your current income vs potential replacement property income that includes an assessment of income tax benefit between the
The Conatus 1031 Sizing is your blueprint for how to maximize cash flow from trading your equity for a multiple on income.
Get My 1031 Sizing